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About Knoppergården

The history of Knoppergården

Knoppergården is an old homestead, which ancestry can be traced at least to the 16th century. In 1542 the bailiff of Hälsingland county made the first tax orientation of Ytterhogdal on order of Gustav Vasa. At that time the parish had 28 homesteads and one of these were Knoppergården. Ytterhogdal was the final outpost of Sweden until 1645. Before that the western parish border the national border against Norway.


It is believed that the name Knoppergården heirs from a man called Petrus Knååp who moved here from Dalarna county. Among other things, he in 1666 painted former the church of Ytterhogdal and it is understood he married into the homestead of Knoppergården. [...]


Most of the now existing buildings were put up in the beginning and middle of the 19th century. The manor house were built in 1853. [...]


In 1935 the then current owner Per Pehrsson sold the homestead to Per Svedbäck. By that time, the homestead had been in the same familys possession for almost 300 years.


Per Svedbäck subdivided the land of Knoppergården and sold it to Karin and Karl Andersson, which opened an inn in Knoppergården in 1939. [...]


K E Svedbäck

The text is avaliable in its entirety (in Swedish) in the manor house of Knoppergården, along with other information about the homesteads history.


Knoppergården today

Maine Grip, resident of Oslo but with her roots in Ytterhogdal, acquired the Knoppergården Inn in 2016.


It is Maine who along with her staff run the Inn through the company Grip Hem AB since the reopening on the 1st of february 2016.


In connection to the reopening, the local newspaper of the Jämtland County did an interview with Maine. You can read the article (in Swedish) by clicking the link further down on the page. 

Knoppergården in media

© 2022 - Wärdshuset Knoppergården / Grip Hem AB

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